Pre & Post Workout Nutrition


Taking carbs prior to a workout helps give you a boost. The quantity and timing of this meal does require some trial and error on your part. Regardless of how long you leave between this meal and training, the type of carbs should always be lower GI (complex carbs)

Add a touch of protein and some good fats. This should be plenty to keep you going.

Studies have shown that it can be beneficial to take high GI carbs here with protein but I find a sugar crash hits me in the gym and therefore I prefer to save my high GI carbs until after training.
Example: - Granary bread, boiled eggs, fish oil capsules.

Post Workout Shake

The post-workout window, just after training, is the best time to feed the body with nutrients. Training breaks down muscle and uses up Glycogen. At this point a good mix of protein and carbs is essential to replenish the glycogen and repair those aching muscles. The muscles are gasping for the good stuff and will act like a sponge in soaking up the nutrients.